Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Raw Beet Salad -- Just Say "No"

I must stop attempting to eat raw beets.

I have been reluctant to heat up my oven in order to roast all the beets I have been receiving.  I have also been lazy.  This means that I keep trying raw beet recipes.

But I just have to stop.  Because they're all gross.

This raw beet salad recipe is from the New York Times.  I had high hopes.

But I hated it.  So, from now on, all my beats are getting roasted and then pickled.


  1. Oh no! Have you tried them shredded with raw carrots and then dressed with a vinaigrette? (Sorry I've been MIA ... drowning in small children!)

    1. I will have to try that! I'm not sure what it is about the raw beets that I haven't liked. I love them cooked!

  2. The pickled beets are delicious! Dad was Very pleased to get them. Roasted beets sound delicious too!

  3. The pickled beets are delicious! Dad was very pleased to get them. Thank you!

    1. Sorry did not mean to post twice. It went away and came back!

    2. I'm so glad you both like them...I have plenty more!


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