Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Crustless Pumpkin Pie

It's not Thanksgiving without a pumpkin pie!

I used the same recipe as for Crustless Maple Squash Autumn Pie, but this time I used a pumpkin instead of a squash.  It came out just as beautifully as the squash pie.  [It is actually somewhat unfair to refer to these pies as "crustless."  They actually crisp up on the top, sides, and bottom so that they have a sort of crust on the outside with a velvety-smooth inside.  It's actually BETTER than regular pumpkin pie with a standard pie crust.]

I really love that this pie is so healthy: The main ingredients are tofu, vegetables, and milk!  I might be known to eat leftover pumpkin pie for breakfast; with this version, I don't even have to feel guilty about it.

I was feeling froggy, so I even cleaned the seeds from the pulp and toasted them.

I coated a baking pan in cooking spray and then drizzled a very little bit of olive oil over the seeds, rubbing them to coat.  I roasted them for 15 minutes at 400 degrees (in the same oven I was using to roast the pumpkin quarters).  When they came out, I gave them the lightest shake of salt.

Toasted, crunchy, and delicious, I'll plan to have them out as an appetizer/snack when guests arrive on Thanksgiving.

What a great deal -- A salty snack and a sweet pie from the same pumpkin!

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